4 Signs to Tell When Your Baby Starts Teething

Baby starts teething

4 Signs to Tell When Your Baby Starts Teething

If you’ve just picked your 6 month old baby up from their daycare facility in Las Vegas and the caregiver complained about their irritable behavior, you shouldn’t just let that pass. Here are 4 signs to tell when your baby starts teething.

Teething can be a painful process for the child and hence may result in unusual crankiness and excessive mood swings.

But how would you know whether it indeed is the teething that is causing your baby to act cantankerously?

You’d look for the following signs:

Frequent Ear Pulling

Often the pain of an erupting tooth travels from the baby’s jaw to their ear canal, increasing the child’s discomfort. This causes the child to pull their ear every now and then. While it’s frequently mistaken for a possible ear infection, it could only be a symptom of teething.

Swollen Gums

Your baby’s gums may become red and puffy before the new tooth pops out. The area where the tooth is supposed to emerge may look bruised and sometimes bulge out with the tooth that could be indistinctly seen beneath the skin

Change in Eating Patterns

Infants who are teething often have inflamed gums that hurt when they come in contact with spoons while eating. This may make kids prefer other modes of food consumption like being bottle-fed or nursed to avoid that discomfort. On the other hand some kids may find the counter pressure more soothing and may do the opposite.

Drooling Too Much

Excessive drooling may point towards possible teething. However, the increased amount of spittle for some children may only be a part of their normal development. Hence, drooling alone cannot be taken as a symptom. Look for other supplementary signs that herald teething.

If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, take steps to help relieve your child’s discomfort. Also, make it a point to inform your child’s caregiver about the situation and rope them in for cooperation with helping your child overcome this phase.

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