Don’t Like Leaving Your Child at Daycare? These Tips Can Help You Cope…

Leaving Your Child at Day Care

Most parents aren’t prepared for the reality check they get when it’s time to drop off their baby at their daycare for the first couple of days. It’s perfectly alright to be teary-eyed, anxious, and a bit restless all the while before you can ease into the routine.

You may have the satisfaction of picking quality daycare for your child, but nothing could replace your love and care for them – besides you’d probably miss your way too much to concentrate on the task at hand. Before you work yourself into a mess, follow these tips to make the entire ordeal better for you.

  • First things first, request your manager to allow you flexible hours to make a slow yet steady return to work. Make sure your manager knows you’re eager to get back to work, and the time off only to adjust to the new routine.
  • You’d obviously have friends and colleagues who’ve been in this situation before you – talk to them. They can support you with meaningful advice and experiences.
  • Keep in continuous touch with your baby’s caregiver. Check in on how your little one is settling into their new environment.
  • Have a photograph of your child that you absolutely love? Put it up on your office desk or cubicle. You can even keep it as wallpaper for your mobile phone, or just keep a copy of it in your handbag. You’ll have them with you all the time.
  • Your child will probably have a good time at the daycare while you spend time fretting over them. Talk to the caregiver when you pick your baby up. They’ll tell you all about your child’s antics and trust us – it lifts a great deal of worries off your shoulders.
  • Lastly, make up for all the time you were away. A few extra hugs and kisses with all the love you can shower on your child would be perfect. After all, your child missed you too.  

It’s just the first few days that are difficult. Once you get accustomed to your new arrangement, it gets better for both you and your child.

At Kids Learning Path we want to make sure you are comfortable leaving your child in our care. To learn more about our Day Care in Las Vegas… Contact us today for a tour around Kids Learning Path…