Understanding your Preschooler’s Physical Development

Understanding your Preschooler’s Physical Development

As you regularly visit your child’s pediatrician, you are probably tracking his physical growth by measuring his weight and height. However, do you know if they is learning and mastering gross motor and fine motor skills appropriate for his age?

From running around in your yard to moving game pieces, balancing and climbing in the ground and jumping on the bed, kids show the range of motor skills they learn and how they use these skills when interacting with others. Here are pointers from us at Kids Learning Path, a dependable child care center in  Las Vegas Nevada, in understanding what physical skills your preschooler must be learning and what you can do to support his continuous development.

Is He Developing Physical Skills Appropriate for his Age?

You need to know the physical skills that your child must be developing at age 3 or 4. In this area, abilities include both fine motor and gross motor skills. Here is a checklist of physical development that you expect your child to develop this age.

• Gross motor skills- Your child can walk with good balance, agility and steady gait. He must be able to aim and throw a big beanbag or ball or catch one that is thrown to him. Other activities that he can do include kicking a stationary ball, pedalling and steering a tricycle and hopping many times on every foot.
Fine motor skills-Your child can brush his teeth, comb his hair and get dressed with little help. Also, he must be able to use scissors for cutting along a line and assemble simple puzzles. At this age, he is expected to print a number of letters of the alphabet, copy simple shapes such as square or circle and stack objects so they do not fall.

Promoting Your Child’s Physical Development Skills at Preschool

A good preschool like Kids Learning Path, a leading child care center in Las Vegas Nevada, will immense your child in a world of social interaction and structural learning. He will learn to take part in activities and play games which challenge and develop his physical abilities. To monitor the development of your child’s physical skills, you can talk to our teachers on how gross and fine motor skills are taught and practiced here as well as where your child is struggling and succeeding.

You can always discuss any concern with us here at Kids Learning Path. If you let our child care center in Las Vegas Nevada to take care of your child we will inform you about the physical skills your child must master to have a successful transition to kindergarten. Visit our website at http://www.kidslearningpath.com/article-blog/ for more information on our service.